Message from the President of I-INCE

By Luigi Maffei, President of I-INCE

The International Institute of Noise Control Engineering I-INCE, and all the scientific and technical community connected to it, will remember 2024 as a special year.  

On one side, the 53rd edition of the INTER-NOISE Congress was characterized by the highest participation in terms of registrants, papers, and sponsors since its first edition in 1972. Here are the numbers: 

  • 1856 delegates from 56 countries were present in Nantes, France last August. 
  • 1125 papers and presentations were organized under the umbrella of the five usual INTER-NOISE areas (Vibration & Acoustical Engineering Science, Industrial & Transportation Applications, Architectural & Environmental Applications, Human Factors) and one extra area which was the theme of Inter-Noise 2024 (from Jules Verne’s world to multi-disciplinary approaches for Acoustics & Noise Control Engineering ).  
  • All papers and presentations flowed then into 21 large topics and 117 technical sessions some of which introduced very new issues (from the application of Artificial Intelligence to Urban Air Mobility to Metamaterials and so on).  
  • The industrial exhibition had 72 booths, featuring the presence of consolidated and several emerging companies. All presented new instrumentation, facilities, and materials.  
  • Even more impressive was the participation of early-stage researchers and students (411) as a clear sign of the attractivity of the young generation towards the classical and new topics related to noise control engineering.  

All the above led to the convincement that the noise control community will be able to face the future and its challenges for a healthier and better quality of life.  

On the other side, I-INCE is aware that there are still several regions (from Africa to Central America to Western Pacific) in which noise control activities are less developed.  

In these regions and countries, environmental noise pollution is growing because of the rapid increase in urbanization, industrialization, and transportation systems. In many of these countries the lack of knowledge, equipment, investment, cooperation, and appropriate legislation will have a strong noise impact on the communities1.  

In I-INCE, we are working to provide everyone with access to noise and vibration control technology. For this reason, a new special program was planned and launched in the year 2024. It includes, so far: 

  1. Supporting the constitution of national groups on noise and vibration control and in facilitating as much as possible their participation in the activities of I-INCE. 
  1. Increasing free training activities with online seminars and mentorship of students interested in noise and vibration control. This action will be ready at the beginning of 2025.  
  1. Implementing new communication tools that can rapidly reach all communities with trusted information. Noise News International, now available on LinkedIn with updated news and information, is an important element of the program. 

We look forward to another special year for I-INCE in 2025. The 54th International Congress & Exposition on Noise Control Engineering INTER-NOISE 25 will be held in SAO PAULO (Brazil) from 24 to 27 August 2025. 

The call for abstracts has been published ( ) and, once again, a rich technical-scientific and social program and other organizational innovations have been planned!  


Luigi Maffei
President I-INCE