The Magazine

Noise/News International is a quarterly news magazine published in PDF format by the International Institute of Noise Control Engineering (I-INCE) and the Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA, Inc. (INCE-USA). Noise/News International is available for free download to members of INCE-USA, the members of Member Societies of International INCE and others. Thus, the availability of NNI is a benefit to these members, and to the noise control engineering community. Advertising sales are handled by Cathy Vail. Feature articles for this magazine are selected by the editors. Responsibility for editorial content rests upon the authors and not upon I-INCE or INCE-USA, the Member Societies of I-INCE, or their members. Product information is published as a service to our readers and does not constitute an endorsement by the societies or their members.


The Member Societies of International INCE and members of INCE-USA will be notified by email when a new edition of NNI has been posted on the NNI website and is available for download. Anyone who wishes to be notified by email of the availability of NNI for download may go to the NNI website and sign up as a subscriber. Any problems related to sign-up or other issues should be directed to the Institute of Noise Control Engineering Business Office, 11130 Sunrise Valley Dr., Suite 350, Reston, VA 20191-4371.


Address editorial correspondence to Eoin King, PhD, INCE-USA Business Office, 11130 Sunrise Valley Dr., Suite 350, Reston, VA 20191-4371. Telephone: +1-860-768-5953; email:


If you would like to advertise in NNI, contact John Lessard, INCE Business Office, 11130 Sunrise Valley Dr., Suite 350, Reston, VA 20191-4371; +1-781-876-8944;