Eoin A. King

NNI is on Facebook and Twitter – we try to keep our readers informed with noise news from all across the globe by highlighting interesting research and projects. Here is a roundup of some of the stories that have been making headlines. Follow @NNIEditor to stay up to date with all noise-related news.

Traffic noise slows children’s memory development

The Guardian (UK) recently reported on a study conducted in Spain that found that exposure to road traffic noise can significantly slow the development of crucial memory and attention skills in your children. The study of almost 2,700 children aged between 7 and 10 in Barcelona, is the first to assess the impact of traffic noise on child cognitive development over time and to determine the impact of peaks in noise. The research revealed that peaks of noise heard inside the classroom, such as the passing of loud trucks or vehicles accelerating away from traffic lights, had more impact than a higher average level of noise.

Noise at the Great Barrier Reef

Researchers from the universities of Exeter and Bristol recently evaluated the effect of noise and the breeding of fish (called Spiny Chromis) around the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. The research team introduced traffic calming measures involving speed restrictions and reduced traffic within 100m of three reefs near Lizard Island on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. They then tracked the breeding of fish and compared the results with breeding on three other reefs with busy boat traffic, and found that 65% of nests on quieter reefs still contained offspring at the end of the season, compared with 40% on reefs with more traffic.

Barcelona developed a noise monitoring network across the city

Returning the Guardian (UK), reports that the city of Barcelona is developing a network of noise monitors across the city. This is motivated by a recent study by Barcelona’s public health agency which found that about 57% of people in the city are regularly exposed to noise levels that exceed those recommended by the WHO. Sound meters are expected to be installed in all the areas where residents regularly complain of noise.

INCE-USA is on YouTube

INCE-USA recently launched its own YouTube channel. At the moment the channel has a number of tutorials related to taking measurements with sound level meters, including “Choosing a Sound Level Meter”, “Practical Tips on Sound Level Meter Use”, and “Conducting a Noise Survey with a Sound Level Meter”, and more. These videos come from a special tutorial session on taking sound measurements with sound level meters, that was held during NOISE-CON 2020.

The Noise Control Engineering Journal (NCEJ) is looking for high-quality reviewers in the subject area of aeroacoustics. NCEJ receives numerous papers related to flow noise and control methods to manage aerodynamics noise sources and propagation and needs reviewers to help evaluate submissions in this important area. If you would like to serve as a reviewer, please contact the NCEJ editor at