Eoin A. King, NNI Editor

NNI is on Facebook and Twitter. We try to keep our readers informed with noise news from all across the globe by highlighting interesting research and projects. Here is a roundup of some of the stories that have been making headlines. Follow @NNIEditor to stay up to date with all noise-related news!

INTERNOISE 2021…the gift that keeps giving.

All registered attendees of INTER-NOISE 2021, have been gifted free access to the INCE Digital Library for three months (September 1 – November 30, 2021). On top of that congress proceedings (written papers) and most video recordings are available online from August 12 to October 5. So you never have to miss a paper!

Summer Bridge on Noise Control Engineering

The Summer 2021 issue of The Bridge was devoted to noise control engineering. The issue is guest-edited by George Maling Jr, and Eric W. Wood, and addresses the role of engineering practice, education, and standards in mitigating human-generate noise. In 2007 the subject was first covered in The Bridge during the early stages of an NAE consensus study that led to the report Technology for a Quieter America (TQA), published in 2010. This issue of The Bridge is a key follow-up to this work.

Noise and Seagrass

EcoWatch reports that human-created noise pollution is altering seagrass beds on a cellular level and causing them to uproot themselves. This could have dire effects on marine ecosystem health, water quality, shoreline stabilization, and the climate crisis. The report considers an article published in Communications Biology by researchers from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, in Spain. The study monitored morphological and ultrastructural changes in seagrass, after exposure to sounds in a controlled environment.

ANIMA Project Final Event

The ANIMA Project, as previously featured in NNI, will be completed at the end of 2021, and they are holding a final event, which will take place on 16 December, in Brussels. The ANIMA consortium will present the results generated by the project after over four years of activity. More information is available here.