Editor’s View (Sep 2017)

This is the first issue of Noise/News International (NNI) for which I will serve as managing editor. I’m delighted to take on this new role and look forward to continuing the fine work of Jim Thompson and George Maling. Jim has been an invaluable resource in the transition and I wish him all the best in his new role as managing editor of the Noise Control Engineering Journal.

Eoin King, PhD

Please allow me to briefly introduce myself. As a professor at the University of Hartford, Connecticut, I work in the acoustics program and lab. Prior to coming to the United States in 2013, I conducted research out of Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, and carried out consultancy work in the area of environmental noise control. My primary research area is the management and control of environmental noise, particularly in the development of novel noise mapping strategies. My work on environmental noise has introduced me to a broad range of research areas and developed my interest in all areas of acoustics and noise control. As a member of the CNOSSOS-EU Technical Forum of Experts (a group charged with the development of a common method for noise assessment in the EU) and an INCE-USA board member, I have been struck by the diverse and exciting research being carried out in the field of acoustics and noise control, both in Europe and the United States. I relish this opportunity to understand, in an in-depth way, and share the work being carried out across the 40-plus I-INCE Member Societies across the world.

Over the coming months a few exciting changes are happening with Noise/News International. The transition to a blog will continue, and we are developing our social media presence. I encourage you to follow and interact with us on Facebook and on Twitter (@NNIEditor). Our goal is to publish noise news and information as it becomes available, allowing our subscribers to stay up to date on all developments in the field. By building the presence of both our publication and community online, we hope that NNI will become the first stop for anyone interested in news and information about noise control across the globe.

That being said, I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome news and information from anyone in the noise control community. Your contributions are vital to the success of NNI. Topics of interest range from research news, product news, case studies, conference reports, and all other aspects of the profession. All input is welcome!

Thank you for your support and continued readership of this important publication. Feel free to reach out to me directly—I am happy to discuss all things noise. I sincerely hope you enjoy this issue of NNI.