INCE-Europe Wind Turbine Noise 2023
Dublin, Ireland June 2023
The INCE-Europe Wind Turbine Noise Conference held in Dublin this summer proved to be a dynamic platform for experts, researchers, and industry professionals to converge and exchange invaluable insights into the realm of wind turbine noise. Organized by the International Institute of Noise Control Engineering Europe (INCE Europe), this conference facilitated a rich discourse on the latest advancements, challenges, and solutions in mitigating the impact of wind turbine noise.
Geoff Leventhall instigated these biennial conferences for INCE Europe in 2005. The conferences aim to bring together the latest information on noise and vibration from wind turbines. They provide a venue for researchers on wind turbine noise and its effects on people to meet together and also to meet with those who design wind turbine installations, both in industry and in the planning process. The 2023 Conference was Chaired by Dick Bowdler.
The conference was hybrid, although out of over 40 presentations, only three were remote. However, the real advantage of the hybrid element was how it allowed people from all over the world to participate and view the talks at the conference remotely.
The conference was divided into several key sessions including:
- The Sound Source
- Sound Propagation
- Model Management
- Guidelines and Regulations
- Impact on People
- Compliance
- Miscellaneous topics including Amplitude Modulation
The conference also included three forums which included a panel session and participation from the audience (both those attending in person and those online. Forum topics included: Are we moving towards a consensus on WTN regulation; Wind turbine noise reduction: beyond serration; and Impact on People.
The biennial international conferences on Wind Turbine Noise started in Berlin in 2005. They have become the main international forum for the technical discussion of wind turbine noise, from how it is generated to its effect on neighbors. For more information, see