SoundPLAN launches SoundPLANnoise Version 8.2—The World-Leading Noise Modelling and Mapping Software

Fig. 1. SoundPLANnoise 8.2 combines environmental data with terrain maps, such as Google Earth, to give you a very realistic picture of how the noise would propagate.

Jochen Schaal, managing director of SoundPLAN GmbH said, “Our software was designed to meet the growing acoustic and noise planning needs of the engineering community. SoundPLANnoise provides comprehensive noise modelling and noise-mitigation planning tools. The software offers graphical presentation features that are professional, easy to use, and deliver engineering results in a clear and comprehensible way to the user, the client, and the community. SoundPLANnoise offers an opportunity to engineers to expand and provide consulting services to their clients and community.”

In the past years, SoundPLAN has worked on a number of exciting developments in the field of environmental noise prediction, including Geographic Information System (GIS) integrations and prediction tools for interior room acoustic modelling and assessment. With the release of SoundPLANnoise v.8.2, these developments are available and provide new features and enhancement for our customers.

Key new features in SoundPLANnoise v.8.2 include the following:

  • New project organization tools, which enable the user to work more efficiently and faster
  • New CNOSSOS-EU Standards for road, rail, and general environmental noise
  • New documentation for the noise barrier optimization
  • New visualization options for interior noise mitigation design
Fig. 2. For a calculation in rooms, SoundPLANnoise provides planning tools to incorporate different acoustic concepts with different screens and/or absorbers for open offices, restaurants, and other workspaces.

The software offers intuitive input tools to develop 3-D environmental and interior noise models. SoundPLANnoise predicts current or future noise impact, source ranking, optimization, and noise mitigation options. The software is an engineering tool that allows city planners; architects; and construction, plant, civil, environmental, and acoustical engineers to quickly develop the project geometry and acoustic models. The user selects the standards, and the applicable assessment and SoundPLANnoise provides the automated noise modelling prediction algorithm, the documentation, and the presentation of results.

Fig. 3. For the consideration of a directivity assigned to a line source, there is a new option, “directivity follows the line source.” This makes it very easy to model racetracks, for example, and eliminates the need for manual splitting into subsources.
Fig. 4. Update of the interface to d&b audiotechnik’s ArrayCalc in version 10.10.1. This means that the A- and SL-Series loudspeakers can now also be included.

For more information about SoundPLANnoise 8.2, visit or send us an email at or

For press enquiries, please contact Michelle Eastty, Ceris Burns International
t: +44(0)1506 857790

About SoundPLAN

SoundPLAN GmbH in Backnang, Germany, is an engineering company with a focus on noise control and software development. Its interdisciplinary team consists of engineers, geographers, physicists, and computer science specialists. The team generates cutting-edge engineering solutions delivered to the global market in the format of our SoundPLAN software. SoundPLAN noise modelling software has maintained its status as the market leader worldwide for more than 35 years.