Underwater Acoustic Modeling and Simulation

Underwater Acoustic Modeling and Simulation, 5th edition
Paul C. Etter
CRC Press (2018)
608 pp., hardbound, US$216
ISBN 978-1-138-05492-9

Underwater Acoustic Modeling and Simulation, the 5th edition, provides a comprehensive and detailed presentation of underwater acoustics concepts through rigorous mathematical formulation, covering various aspects of underwater acoustics including ambient noise, reverberation, propagation, sonar modeling, and so on. Following from the fourth edition, it continues to provide an authoritative overview of the state-of-the-art modeling approaches in these significant areas of underwater acoustics: propagation, ambient noise, reverberation, and sonar performance. The chapters in the book discuss the fundamental processes that are applicable in simulating and analyzing the performance of underwater acoustic systems. It demonstrates the importance of applying the proper modeling resources to simulate and analyze the parameters that control the behavior of sound in ocean environments.

Underwater Acoustic Modeling and Simulation is an excellent and comprehensive introduction to an extremely broad spectrum of modeling methods and approaches in underwater acoustics and oceanography. While earlier editions of this text were already widely recognized as comprehensive, noteworthy, and authoritative, updates and improvements have been made in this current edition to bring in the latest state-of-the-art modeling tools.

The details presented in the mathematical models make this book useful as both a textbook for the student looking for a comprehensive book on underwater acoustics to the expert who wants to keep a comprehensive reference book. The book is not a fundamentals textbook; some basic fundamental knowledge in acoustics is assumed. It builds on the fundamental knowledge to present the various aspects of underwater acoustic modeling.

The level of technical details contained in the book material is sufficient for use as a research tool or an operations tool for the analysis and prediction of sonar performance and technology, acoustical oceanography, marine engineering, naval operations analysis, systems engineering, and applied acoustics. Designed for readers with an understanding of underwater acoustics but who are unfamiliar with the various aspects of modeling, the book includes sufficient mathematical derivations to demonstrate model formulations and provides guidelines for selecting and using the models. Examples of each type of model illustrate model formulations, model assumptions, and algorithm efficiency. Simulation case studies are also included to demonstrate practical applications. The fourth edition was published in 2013, and this fifth edition adds coverage of some of the more recent advances in underwater acoustic modeling. The book contains new sections within existing chapters that address the new developments in underwater acoustic modeling. Most of the new material is focused on some of the new mathematical propagation models, the applications of these models, and inverse techniques. The book includes updated environmental acoustic data and the latest underwater acoustic propagation, noise, reverberation, and sonar performance models. Additionally, the text discusses new applications in underwater acoustics such as acoustic networks and channel modeling, marine-green energy devices, and simulation of anthropogenic sound sources. It further includes instructive case studies to demonstrate applications in sonar simulation.

Providing a thorough source of information on modeling resources, this book examines the translation of our physical understanding of sound in the sea into mathematical models that simulate acoustic propagation, noise, and reverberation in the ocean. The text shows how these models are used to predict and diagnose the performance of complex sonar systems operating in the undersea environment. A word about the author can be found on the internet.

Paul C. Etter is a familiar name in underwater acoustics, being an active-duty ASW officer for the US Navy; he has worked in ocean-atmosphere physics and environmental acoustics for over 40 years. He is the author and coauthor of more than 200 technical reports, professional papers, and books addressing environmental acoustics measurement technology, underwater acoustics, and physical oceanography. He received his BS in physics and his MS in oceanography from Texas A&M University.

Joe Cuschieri
Lockheed Martin