NOISE/NOTES (Mar 2021)
By Eoin A. King, NNI Editor
NNI is on Facebook and Twitter. We try to keep our readers informed with noise news from all across the globe by highlighting interesting research and projects. Here is a roundup of some of the stories that have been making headlines. Follow @NNIEditor to stay up to date with all noise-related news!
INCE-USA Announces Industry Award Winners
INCE-USA recently announced Kenneth Kaliski, senior director, RSG, as the winner of the William W. Lang Award for the Distinguished Noise Control Engineer. The Lang Award recognizes individuals who have rendered conspicuous and consistently outstanding service to INCE-USA and to the field of noise control engineering over a sustained period.
The Laymon N. Miller Award for Excellence in Acoustical Consulting was awarded to Douglas Sturz, principal consultant, Acentech. The Miller Award recognizes individuals who have practiced acoustical consulting in an exemplary manner over a sustained period of time, to improve acoustical environments in and around buildings, transportation systems, workplaces, recreational and other occupied spaces, such that the quality of life for citizens and communities is significantly enhanced.
Traffic Noise Is a Silent Killer
From time to time, major newspapers and magazines run an article drawing attention to what many readers of NNI already know: long-term noise exposure can have serious detrimental health. A recent article from the Atlantic again highlights the adverse health effects associated with noise exposure. Check it out here.
The Future Is Now—A Flying Car!
The Federal Aviation Administration recently granted approval to a hybrid ground-air vehicle. The Terrafugia Transition received a Special Light-Sport Aircraft airworthiness certificate from the agency, giving it the green light for takeoff. The certification clears the two-seat hybrid airplane-car to be flown in the United States. We at NNI wonder what it sounds like—stay tuned!
An Anthropogenic Cacophony
Scientific American reports on a recent study published in Science suggesting that redesigning ship propellors and installing acoustic curtains could lower the volume of anthropogenic noise that disrupts ocean life. The study, titled “The Soundscape of the Anthropocene Ocean,” states that anthrophony affects marine animals at multiple levels, including their behavior, physiology, and, in extreme cases, survival. This should prompt action to deploy solutions to reduce noise levels in the ocean.
Noise Maps for Road, Rail, Aircraft and … Children!
Noise maps have been widely used to assess and manage noise from transportation and industrial sources. Now a “noise map” for chatty adults and boisterous children has been developed in Japan. The somewhat controversial website identifies neighborhoods with loud noise levels from these untraditional sources. The Guardian reports on the website and its reception here.
Safe in Sound Awarded to the Boeing Company
In 2007, The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health partnered with the National Hearing Conservation Association to create an award for Excellence in Hearing Loss Prevention: the Safe-In-Sound Award. The 2012 award winner has just been announced as the team behind the Vertical Lift AH-64 Apache Helicopter of the Boeing Company. The team developed a hush kit to reduce noise levels generated by the testing of Apache helicopters—consisting of a baffled box that sits snug against the exhaust outlet. The solution is reported as reducing noise levels by 50%–72%, to 85 dB or less at 5 feet from the source.