Safe-In-Sound Excellence in Hearing Loss Prevention Award™

Do you work with or for a company that has adopted noise control or developed innovative approaches toward hearing loss prevention? Or maybe you know of such company. If so, help give others a chance to learn from its experience by nominating it for a Safe-in-Sound Award!

Safe-In-Sound Excellence in Hearing Loss Prevention Award™ is celebrating its 10th anniversary, and in celebrating, it has streamlined the award nomination process. Please consider self-nominating or nominating others who have demonstrated by example the benefits of developing or following good hearing loss prevention practices. To start the process, just send a letter of intent describing why the award is deserved by you or the organization you are nominating (i.e., how excellence is displayed in hearing loss prevention) to by June 15, 2018.

The Safe-in-Sound Award winning stories are shared and showcased at a special award ceremony and in press releases disseminated to the occupational health and hearing research communities. Those selected will be recognized for their role in improving working conditions in the United States. In addition, representatives of the selected enterprises and organizations will be invited to the Annual Conference of the National Hearing Conservation Association to present their award-winning stories and receive the award.